Science,迷信 23 JUN 2023, VOL 380, ISSUE 6651
Hunting for Majoranas
▲ 作者 :Ali Yazdani, Felix von Oppen, Bertrand I. Halperin & Amir Yacoby
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▲ 摘要 :
在这篇综述中 ,文导钻研组聚焦于自动建树具备马约拉纳零模的迷信拓扑超导相。他们思考了从现有试验使掷中罗致的出书履历履历 ,这些履历履历增长着对于现有平台的周论改善以及新措施的探究。
▲ Abstract:
Over the past decade,周论 there have been considerable efforts to observe non-abelian quasiparticles in novel quantum materials and devices. These efforts are motivated by the goals of demonstrating quantum statistics of quasiparticles beyond those of fermions and bosons and of establishing the underlying science for the creation of topologically protected quantum bits. In this Review, we focus on efforts to create topological superconducting phases that host Majorana zero modes. We consider the lessons learned from existing experimental efforts, which are motivating both improvements to present platforms and the exploration of new approaches. Although the experimental detection of non-abelian quasiparticles remains challenging, the knowledge gained thus far and the opportunities ahead offer high potential for discovery and advances in this exciting area of quantum physics.
Mid-circuit correction of correlated phase errors using an array of spectator qubits
▲ 作者:K. Singh, C. E. Bradley, S. Anand, V. Ramesh, R. White & H. Bernien.
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▲ 摘要:
扩展总是简略侵蚀的量子处置器是一项难题挑战 。尽管量子纠错最终保障了容错操作,但所需的庞大批子位数以及过错阈值使人望而生畏 。在一项填补协议中,共置辅助“旁不雅者”量子位充任噪声的原位探针 ,并实现对于数据量子位过错的实时 、相关更正 。
钻研组运用铯旁不雅者量子位阵列来校对于铷数据量子位阵列上的相关相位倾向 。经由散漫挨次读出、数据处置以及前馈操作,这些相关倾向在量子电路的实施中有所飞腾 。
该协议普遍适用于量子信息平台,建树了扩展中性原子量子处置器的关键工具:原子阵列的中路读出 、实时处置以及前馈,以及原子量子位的相关中路重装。
▲ Abstract :
Scaling up invariably error-prone quantum processors is a formidable challenge. Although quantum error correction ultimately promises fault-tolerant operation, the required qubit overhead and error thresholds are daunting. In a complementary proposal, colocated, auxiliary “spectator” qubits act as in situ probes of noise and enable real-time, coherent corrections of data qubit errors. We used an array of cesium spectator qubits to correct correlated phase errors on an array of rubidium data qubits. By combining in-sequence readout, data processing, and feedforward operations, these correlated errors were suppressed within the execution of the quantum circuit. The protocol is broadly applicable to quantum information platforms and establishes key tools for scaling neutral-atom quantum processors: mid-circuit readout of atom arrays, real-time processing and feedforward, and coherent mid-circuit reloading of atomic qubits.
质料迷信Materials Science
Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum
▲ 作者:Yusuke Iguchi, Kunihiro Kihou, Chul-Ho Lee, Mats Barkman, Andrea L. Benfenati, Vadim Grinenko, et al.
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▲ 摘要 :
磁场经由组成量子涡旋(困绕的磁通量即是磁通量量子)穿透II型体超导体。磁通量量子是一个只依赖于根基常数的普过多 。
钻研组运用扫描超导量子干涉装置(SQUID)磁强计钻研了空穴过异化Ba1?xKxFe2As2 (x = 0.77)中的单独涡旋 。在良多中间,钻研组审核到的涡旋只照料部份磁通量量子 ,其巨细随温度不断变更。
▲ Abstract:
Magnetic field penetrates type-II bulk superconductors by forming quantum vortices that enclose a magnetic flux equal to the magnetic flux quantum. The flux quantum is a universal quantity that depends only on fundamental constants. In this study, we investigated isolated vortices in the hole-overdoped Ba1?xKxFe2As2 (x = 0.77) by using scanning superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry. In many locations, we observed objects that carried only part of a flux quantum, with a magnitude that varied continuously with temperature. We demonstrated mobility and manipulability of these objects and interpreted them as quantum vortices with nonuniversally quantized (fractional) magnetic flux whose magnitude is determined by the temperature-dependent parameters of a multicomponent superconductor.
Deformable hard tissue with high fatigue resistance in the hinge of bivalve Cristaria plicata
▲ 作者 :Xiang-Sen Meng, Li-Chuan Zhou, Lei Liu, Yin-Bo Zhu, Yu-Feng Meng, Dong-Chang Zheng, et al.
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▲ 摘要 :